Who said that gardening or farming can only be done in a large area? Nowaday this activity can also be done in your apartment. It's not complicated. For beginners, here are some tips for starting an urban farming in an apartment.

1. The Method
There are several choices of urban farming methods:
a. Vertical farming
The best way to utilize the space available in an apartment is to use the vertical farming method. This method helps reduce the temperature in the building as well as being part of the artwork. Vertical farming can be installed on balconies, outside walls of buildings, or areas in apartments.

b. Gardening pot. This method is very often the choice. Pot containers that are used can be easily moved and can be adapted to the balcony. To note, make sure the plant container allows the flow of water.

c. Square footing garden. Urban farming is suitable for patios or balconies. If you want to plant crops in a narrow area, square footing is the best garden choice.

An important need for all plants to grow is sufficient sunlight. Usually plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day to grow properly. But in the apartment it is usually constrained by the roof which holds the sunlight. Try to observe the amount of sunlight your apartment receives. It's important to understand the pattern of sunlight in your home. The next step is to evaluate which areas are suitable for your urban farming. This can be determined based on the maximum amount of sunlight received.

2. The Location
Balcony area is the best choice,. This area receives a lot of sunlight. One other advantage, the scattering of soil will be far from the area in the apartment. You can put plants on both sides with a blank section in the middle as a road access. In addition to balconies, walls provide many areas for vertical gardening. Later the container can be arranged against the wall.

3. The Plant

Choose plants that you and your family often consume. It will be in vain if you plant crops that you don't like. By growing vegetables that you like, you will get two benefits, namely making a hobby of farming and enjoying the results. If for commercial purposes, it would be better to choose a plant that produces income when you sell it.

Weather conditions are also an important consideration when you plan to make urban farming. Certain herbs, vegetables and flowers only grow at a certain temperature. Therefore the season is something that needs to be considered before starting urban farming.
